Once a week Yard Poo Patrol:
1-2 dogs: $10.00/per yard/per visit
3-4 dogs: $12.00/per yard/per visit
5-6 dogs: $14.00/per yard/per visit
Twice a week Doody Call Gold:
1-2 dogs $8.50/per yard/per visit
3-4 dogs $10.50/per yard/per visit
5-6 dogs $11.50/per yard/per visit
Three times a week Super Scooper Ultimate:
1-2 dogs $7.00/per yard/per visit
3-4 dogs $9.00/per yard/per visit
5-6 dogs $10.00/per yard/per visit
One Time Top Poop Eliminator Service:
1-2 dogs $40/yard
3-4 dogs $60/yard
5-6 dogs $75/yard
• All rates based upon yards up to half an acre
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