Can you work while our dog is in the yard?
Yes, we can work while your dog/s is in the yard. We are dog lovers who own dogs and are experienced with working with dogs. After a few visits, your Super Scooper will no longer be a stranger and will make fast friends with your pet.
However, there are some cases when dogs do not permit us to work. If you are aware that your dog does not respond well to strangers or it becomes apparent that your dog is not adjusting well to regular visitors, we will ask that you place your pup indoors while we are servicing your yard. If you are a pet sitting client of ours, and we have a copy of your key, we can make sure that your pup is safely placed indoors, while we clean your yard; and then returned outside once we are finished and the yard is secured.
Our goal is to minimize any risks involved to you, your dogs and our Super Scoopers. Any difficulties will be communicated immediately and resolved for future visits.
What about if it Rains or Snows?
For the most part weather does not stop us, but there are certain weather conditions that make outdoor cleaning impossible.
Rain does not usually affect our service unless it is a pouring rain-fall for which we will make up any missed service.
Snow? Well we do live in Texas, but as you have seen in previous years, we are capable of getting anywhere from a light dusting, to about a foot of that cold white powder. If there is more than an inch of snow, our service will be delayed for a day or two
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. If the accumulation stays above 3 inches, then service will be delayed until it thaws down. When there is snow on the ground but no resent snow fall we will continue our services to keep the accumulation at a minimum.
What about holidays?
When there is a holiday that falls on your service date we will include the schedule change with your invoice. If you would like us to come out before or after the holiday we will make arrangements upon your request; otherwise, there will be no service charge for that week and we will return the following week.
Observed Holidays
- New Years Day
- Memorial Day
- Labor Day
- Independance Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Other Requirements:
- Your yard must be easily accessible. We cannot climb gates or fences to access your yard.
- Lawns must be cut on a regular basis, without large amounts of leaves or debris. We can only pick up what we see.
- Gates should be free of debris, and unlocked (unless key or combination is supplied). If we can not enter through the gate, we will return the following week. You will be charged for a 1/2 the service visit.
- 2 day notice required for vacation service suspension or cancellations.